Cans are limited to a size range of no less than 20-gallon, and no more than 45-gallon capacity. All cans must be designed for accepting refuse and contain lids and handles.
Two (2) cans per property are allowed, however, annual permits for up to four (4) extra containers may be purchased at the Borough Office for $75 each. These permits are valid until the end of each calendar year, regardless of purchase date. If you don’t regularly need over two cans, bags for extra garbage are also available at the cost of $5 each at the Borough Office.
All trash must be placed inside of these containers, with lids snapped in place and securely fastened to the can, as designed. Please no protruding bags or excessive loose garbage in cans. The Street Department is prohibited from accepting any garbage that is not inside of the container. All bags placed on top of the can or on the ground will be refused (with the exception of extra bags purchased at the Borough office).
Cans must be clean & in good condition, placed street side or curbside (whichever is applicable), the Street Department is prohibited from entering on to private property to retrieve cans. All cans must be out, ready for pickup by 7:00 am on the scheduled pick-up day. Occasionally, circumstances arise that causes change of the pick-up route order, and the Street Department may arrive at your residence earlier than expected.
Yard Waste: Residents are encouraged to bring yard waste to the compost facility on LaBarr Lane on Saturdays. There is no charge to use this facility.
Hours of drop off are: Saturday from 8am to 12pm.
Accepted materials are: leaves/grass; branches no larger than 2 inch in diameter. Branches larger than 2 inch should be put through a wood chipper before being dropped off; garden and flower bed waste; clean fill. No plastic bags, No large tree limbs, No tree stumps will be accepted.
Yard waste pickup schedule: Yard will be picked up on every other Wednesday. Mountain-side residents are scheduled for pickup on May 1, May 15, May 29, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 17, July 24, August 7, August 21, September 4, September 18, October 2, October 16, October 30. Riverside/Airport Park side residents are scheduled for pickup on May 8, May 22, June 5, THURSDAY June 20, July 3, July 17, July 31, August 14, August 28, September 11, September 25, October 9, October 23. This schedule is subject to change based on availability of equipment and staffing and may be delayed due to weather conditions. If delayed, pickup will resume as soon possible.
Yard waste shall be picked up along the roadway when it meets the following requirements:
- Waste is placed in a container no larger than 45 gallons and is marked yard waste. Please secure it with a cover to keep rain water out or drill drainage holes in the bottom of the can.
- In paper bags made for yard waste. These bags are sold at most local hardware stores. Anything in a plastic bag will not be collected.
- The container must not exceed 50 pounds.
- All branches must be cut to a maximum length of six (6) feet with a maximum diameter of two (2) inches. Logs and stumps will not be collected. Smaller branches should be tied in bundles when applicable.
- Grass clippings and leaves also need to be placed in containers. Clippings and leaves will not be collected if they are loose on the ground.
- No animal waste
These requirements are to ensure that collection is performed in a safe and timely manner. Please contact the borough office for any questions or concerns.
To help equipment with pickup, leaves should be raked to the grassy area between the sidewalk and piled close to the curb. Please DO NOT push leaves into the street as it is a public safety hazard.
Bush, branches, limbs, grass clippings, yard waste are NOT to be put in the leaf piles. This will cause damage to the machine. Piles containing a mixture of waste and leaves will not be picked up.